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A protocol for resilience in a time of stress

It's hard to stay focused amongst the panic.  It has many of us alarmed and feeling a bit helpless. Lisa shares her thoughts on how to stay resilient in times of stress.  Take all that you learn from this experience and store it away for future reference.  Be empowered – you can do this!

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50 Shades of Coneflower

Echinacea, one of our best friends and most favorite herbs; loved by pollinators of all kinds and tolerant to some of the harshest of conditions.

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Feeding Our Feathered Friends

When winter lays a cold, soft blanket over the prairie, it's time to take care of our resident, feathered ones that converge upon the dried flower stalks to look for seeds. Read about the ways one of our birding friends has found works to attract and nurture the resident birds during our cold Nebraska winters.

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Guidepost #3 - Empowerment

Lisa speaks about an important guidepost that is a foundation for our beloved small business.  It gives us the power to take action - something that is important to both our personal lives and our work lives...

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