FREE Seed Exchange Event Coming Up On Friday, 3-7-25 from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

(Spinal) Communications

This week, the theme is all about communications. Personally, we’ve been experiencing communication complications between different family members, different departments of the office, and simply words will not come out of our mouths right (I know what I want to say, but it doesn’t come out that way). There have been Excel files lost, phone calls dropped or missed, documents filed in the wrong place, tea steeped and forgotten…and truthfully, the first version of this blog was deleted by a computer glitch.

When things like this happen, it can often be very frustrating or disappointing, but that’s all a matter of perspective. I try to take opportunities like this to understand why it happened, I think to myself…”well if it happened, that means it must not have been right anyways”, and it’s true!! I was struggling to find good word-flow as well as consistent voice and structure to the blog, I couldn’t focus or pay attention.

When things “go wrong” in life, that is nature trying to tell you that something needs to change. This stands true for the body as well, when you are feeling uncomfortable or are in a state of dis-ease, this is the body screaming at you to make changes. If we don’t address these warnings, they become full-blown stop signs that suddenly hit us when least expected.

The spine and nervous system are one of the biggest communication networks within the body. When our organs or organ systems are out of balance and not functioning properly, it shows up in the spine. I have broken it down to be looked at from two different perspectives:

  1. The spine is out of alignment and is causing the organ to malfunction
  2. The organ isn’t functioning properly and is causing subluxations (misalignments) in the spine

The nervous system touches every organ, muscle, and bone from head to toe. The spine is the relay network that allows the brain to communicate with every aspect of the body. Personally, I have noticed a big improvement in my overall health after my wife and I incorporated chiropractic care into our regular routine. One particular aspect we have noticed is that our herbs have improved the results of our adjustments and our adjustments have improved the effectiveness of our herbs!!

There is a specific form of chiropractic care that falls in line with a wholistic approach – “The Gonstead Technique”. Based off of personal experience, many chiropractors will adjust you depending upon where you hurt. You walk in, they ask what’s going on, and will adjust you up and down the spine and send you out the door. Your body never learns to hold adjustments and stay at optimal performance.

With Gonstead chiropractics, they will plan an adjustment schedule and only adjust you where you have major subluxations that week. Chiropractors that practice the Gonstead Technique will follow the flow of your body, changing where they adjust you as your body changes and health needs fluctuate. They look at the body as a whole, sometimes a subluxation in your thoracic spine can cause pain in your neck and neck adjustments don’t help resolve the neck pain.

The body performs at its best when everything is in balance; the physical and emotional self, the skeletal structure and muscles, the nervous system and organs, the cells and the blood. A wholistic approach to health is like math, you can’t solve for “x” unless you look at both sides of the equation. Herbalists have found that incorporating physical changes, mental and emotional changes, lifestyle and habit changes, and dietary changes will provide someone with the best opportunity to improve their health. We can give someone all the herbs in the world, but they have to want the change first and make intentional efforts into healing their body.



If you are in the Omaha area, I want to highlight one specific chiropractic office that practices Gonstead – Family First Chiropractic. The chiropractors here make efforts to put the client first, educate them on what a wholistic approach to health means, and also bring attention to other alternative forms of healing the body. My wife and I see Jeremiah Sample, but both chiropractors in the office are very knowledgeable about the body and their practice. They recognize us as Herbalists and encourage feedback from our experiences, as well as exchange theory with us. I encourage everyone to find a local practitioner that utilizes the Gonstead Techinque as their form of chiropractic care.

(Dr. Jeremiah Sample)

A little about Dr. Jeremiah "After being released from active service, Dr. Jeremiah finished his bachelor degree with Wichita State University in Exercise Science and Human Performance Studies. He then received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. While a part of Palmer, Dr. Jeremiah was elected President of the Palmer Veterans Association. His personal philosophy of Chiropractic care towards patients includes a dedication towards measurable correction of spinal alignment and implementation of appropriate wellness care."

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