"Together, we can heal...separately, we are unique individuals - excelling in our strengths and living in our own environment. Collectively, we are a strong community - highlighting our individual contributions and giving strength where others may falter." - Aaron Hill, Local Grower

At Prairie Star Botanicals, we believe in the strength of building a community. To share thoughts and ideas from our own personal experiences, encouraging others to find their own paths. We have come together, employees and herbalists alike, to create introductory recipes for anyone to make - ranging from simple teas to salve making and (my all-time favorite) herbal baths!
Soothe Digestion Tea Blend:
- Anise Hyssop -
- Chamomile -
- Wood Betony -
- Holy Basil -
- Marshmallow -
- Roasted Carob -
Use 1/2 part Anise Hyssop, 1/2 part Chamomile, 1 part Wood Betony, 1 part Holy Basil, 1/2 part Marshmallow, and 1/2 part Roasted Carob. Mix all herbs thoroughly. Use 1 Tablespoon herb mixture per 8 oz. hot water, let steep for 5 minutes minimum, serve how preferred – plain, with creamer, with sweetener, etc. Best if consumed during or after a meal, or use as necessary.
Stress Relief Tea Blend:
- Chamomile -
- Lavender -
- Lemon Balm -
Use equal parts of each herb, blend thoroughly in large bag or preferred storage container. Use 1 Tablespoon herb mixture per 8 oz. cup hot water, let steep for 5-15 minutes, serve as preferred – plain, with creamer, with sweetener, etc.
Overheated Tea Blend:
- Anise Hyssop -
- Lemon Balm -
- Calendula -
Inspired by Herb Society of Central Indiana
Use 1 part Anise Hyssop, 1 part Lemon Balm, and 2 parts Calendula. Mix herbs thoroughly and steep 1 Tablespoon herb mixture per 8 oz. hot water, let stand for 5 minutes minimum. May make as a sun tea and serve chilled.
Hair Growth Tea Rinse:
- Rosemary -
- Lavender -
- Burdock -
- Yarrow -
- Vinegar for extracting -
Use equal parts of each herb, blend thoroughly. Place herbs in a glass container and cover with vinegar of choice. Allow to macerate for minimum 2 weeks, shaking daily. Next, strain or press off liquids and store in same glass container, out of light. When ready to use, dilute 8 oz. infused vinegar with 8 oz. warm water. Apply thoroughly throughout hair and massage into scalp, let stand for 15 minutes minimum, then gently rinse hair. Incorporate practice into a daily or semi-regular routine for best results.

Meditative Herb Soak:
- Yarrow -
- Rose -
- Mugwort -
Use equal parts of each herb. Recommended 3T of each herb per 1 qt. water. Mix with boiling water, let steep for minimum 15 minutes. Pour into basin of water for foot soak or bathtub for full body soak.
Colds & Flus Bath:
- Elder Flower -
- Wild Bergamot -
- Violet -
- Anise Hyssop -
Use equal parts of each herb. Recommended 1 handful of each herb per 1 gallon of water. Fill a large stock pot (6-8 qt) with water and add herbs, bring to a boil and reduce to simmer, let steep for 1 hour minimum. Strain off herbs and add to bath!
All Purpose Nervine:
- Wood Betony -
- Skullcap -
- Passionflower -
- Chamomile -
- Linden -
- Rose or Lavender -
Use equal parts of each herb. Recommended to mix in large bag or container and keep stored as dried herb blend. Best if used as a tea, herbal soak, or Tincture. Store container out of direct light and in a dry location.
Incense Cone:
- Sage -
- Peppermint -
- Passionflower -
- Marshmallow (for bonding) -
Inspired by learningherbs.com
Use 1/2 part Sage, 1/2 part Passionflower, 1 part Peppermint, and 1/2 part Marshmallow. Mix dried herbs together and grind into a powder. Add water, a few drops at a time, and mix until the combination resembles a dry dough – not too crumbly nor runny. Shape into small cones or logs and let dry for 1-2 weeks before use.
Cooking Blend:
- Nettle Leaf -
- Sage -
- Thyme -
- Wild Bergamot -
- Anise Hyssop -
Use 2 parts Nettle, 1/2 part Sage, 1 part Thyme, 1 part Wild Bergamot, and 1/4 part Anise Hyssop. Mix dried herbs thoroughly, removing any large stemmy pieces. Best if paired with savory dishes, recommended for BBQ, meats, stocks/broths, and soups.

All-Purpose Healing Salve:
- Mugwort -
- Calendula -
- Comfrey, Borage, or Plantain -
- St. John’s Wort -
- Yarrow -
- Pine, Red Cedar, or Fir -
- Lavender EO -
- Eucalyptus EO -
- Oil for infusing -
- Beeswax -
Inspired by All Things Herbal
Use 1 part Mugwort, 1/2 part Calendula, 1/2 part Comfrey, 1 part St. John’s Wort, 1/2 part Yarrow, 1/2 part Pine. Essential Oils are optional, use 3 drops each per oz. of oil. Olive or Sunflower oil is recommended. Mix all dried herbs together and place in large crockpot, combine herbs and oil in a 1:7 ratio (ex. 1 gram herb, 7 mL oil) – leaving EO out until ready to make salve. Turn crockpot on to warm, leave to infuse overnight. Next morning, strain out herbs with cheesecloth or fine sieve. In a double boiler, combine wax and oil in ratio of 1 cup oil to 1/4 cup beeswax, heat until wax is fully incorporated. Stir in Essential Oils and pour into desired containers, salve is set once fully cooled.
Soothing Skin Salve:
- Wild Bergamot -
- Calendula -
- Oil for infusing -
- Beeswax -
Use 1/3 part Wild Bergamot and 2/3 part Calendula. Olive or Coconut Oil is recommended. A splash of a high-proof alcohol provides better extraction, if available. Use similar methods as listed above (All-Purpose Healing Salve).
Uplifting Facial Spray:
- Peppermint -
- Holy Basil -
- Lemon Balm -
- Catnip -
- Rosemary -
- Wood Betony -
- Witch Hazel for extracting -
Use 1 part Peppermint, 1/2 part Holy Basil, 1/2 part Lemon Balm, 1 part Catnip. 1/2 part Rosemary, and 1 part Wood Betony. Mix dried herbs together in a glass, sealable container (such as a mason jar). Cover with Witch Hazel Extract and let infuse for 2 weeks minimum, shaking daily. Strain or press off liquid and store in same glass container, out of direct sunlight. Pour into a spray bottle and use as a daily, morning ritual – making efforts to focus on positivity and welcoming good outcomes!

*Consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any liquid supplements. Do not take if pregnant or nursing. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Wow, what a blessing to have you share these recipes. It is interesting to note what combination of herbs help with whatever malady we may be having. And, it helps to see what goes into each and every bottle/container of herb remedy at Prairie Star!! Thank you for sharing.
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