Liver Cleanse

Liver Cleanse

Regular price $15.00


When possible, we source these herbs locally, fresh harvested from local growers: Dandelion, Yellow Dock, Burdock, Turmeric, Sweet Annie, Watercress, Yarrow

Specially formulated with traditional herbs to support healthy liver and gallbladder function, assists in detoxification as part of a seasonal cleanse.** Formulated by Nicholas Schnell, RH.

Suggested Use: SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING - 1 dropper (30 drops) three times per day under the tongue or in water.*

Also available in:

16 oz. bottle $216.00 (no dropper)

32 oz. bottle $408.00 (no dropper)

Product availability is subject to change, please call to check on availability of the larger sizes: 402-533-4433

Ingredients: Dandelion, Yellow Dock, Oregon grape, Burdock, Fringe Tree, Milk Thistle, Turmeric, Blessed thistle, Fennel, Sweet Annie, Watercress, Yarrow.  This formula is available in alcohol-based and glycerine-based (alcohol-free) versions.

*Consult with your healthcare practitioner before taking any liquid supplements. Do not take if pregnant or nursing. Caution with liver disease. 
