The Making of a Flower Essence

The air was heavy with humidity, the kind so thick it can be tasted, yet we still packed our camping gear in the car. We were excited about our weekend trip to Dannebrog, NE. It was August of 2017 and after weeks of planning, we were going to see the total eclipse in an area where the totality was visible. A magical event, where day became night for a few moments. I had a set intention that day to make a total eclipse essence.

In with camping gear was a jar of spring water. Much like a flower essence, I was collecting the vibrational energy of the eclipse to bring emotional and spiritual balance and clarity to my self-care routine. According to “Flower essence are catalysts for change at a deep, emotional level.”

An eclipse essence is said to be one for great transformation and grounding. An eclipse can only happen when the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned... a perfect balance. I just started my own sacred and interesting transformation from Mother to Crone (AKA Menopause). I definitely felt the calling for this particular essence.

After we set up camp on our host’s land, we headed for the park along the river for a Pawnee Tribe ceremony. I was so grateful for this, I am not Native American, however my family married into a Native American family. My childhood Summers were spent with my cousins exploring the woods and hills around my Grandma’s house. It was my Auntie who interested me in my first “Little House on the Prairie” book. I felt at home in the park despite being surrounded by strangers. A prerequisite to the eclipse alchemy, I would feel the next day. 


Moon patterns from the eclipse

After the ceremony, we headed back to our camp, exhausted from our trip and the heat. Our host calls out to us from her art studio.

“I have something for you Molly” She says. “I know you're in herbology, I found this in my library and thought you would like it.”  She hands me a book called “The Herb Book” by John Lust. I was so touched by her thoughtfulness and kindness (that is how the people of Dannebrog are…kind and thoughtful). The book is one of my go-tos in my library. You can see by the cover, I use it regularly!


I felt another affirmation of the magic of this event.


The following day, I took my jar to the eclipse and made the eclipse mother essence. When I got home we added Brandy as a preservative. Lisa and I made 2 dram bottles with tiny droppers for dosage. Every time I took a dose, it reminded me of my magical time that August.

My Eclipse water

Although my process for making an eclipse essence is a little different than a flower essence, the concept is the same. You must start out with a positive intention. Think about what you want to accomplish or balance. Research the flower that calls to you. I also suggest to use a flower you know and is safe. For example, a basil flower from your garden. It is also important to have at least 4 hours of direct daylight to capture the essence.

Once you have the intention set and your flower picked out, you will need the following:

  • 2 Small clear glass jars with lids
  • 1 Cup of Spring water (I put it in one of the jars for convenience)
  • 1 Cup of Brandy or Apple Cider Vinegar (for non-alcohol)
  • Scissors
  • Cheesecloth


  1. Sit down next to your plant, meditate or just sit quietly. I like to have an affirmation in mind. You can make your own or look one up online. I will have several links to information in the end of this blog.
  2. Ask the plants permission to harvest a cutting of the flower.
  3. Place the flower in the jar of water and close the lid.
  4. Allow the jar and flower to soak up the solar rays for 4 hours. You can sit with it if you like. I am prone to napping in the hammock (LOL) I also surround the jar with a few of my favorite stones.
  5. After the 4 hours are up, hold cheese cloth over the flower essence jar and pour the liquid into the empty jar. Add 1 cup of brandy or apple cider vinegar to the flower essence and seal the jar with the lid.
  6. Place the flower back to the garden and thank the plant.

This is a mother flower essence which should be kept in a cool dark space, such as a cupboard.

To make a dosing bottle you will need to do the following:

  1. Use a 1 oz amber bottle with a dropper.
  2. Fill the bottle ½ with spring water and ½ with brandy or apple cider vinegar.
  3. Add 3 drops from the mother to the dosing bottle.
  4. Close the dropper lid and roll it with you hand 100 times. Do not shake!

 You have successfully made your own flower essence!


(Click image for video link)


Remember, a flower essence is a powerful self-care tool and should be treated with respect. If giving it to someone, please ask their permission first.

Below are a list of resources, including classes you can take. I took a class as part of my herbal intensive from Land of Milk and Honey Herbs.

May you be well!

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